Historic Facts


We’ll be continuing to add more to the historic information as we build out our site, but we wanted to start with a few fun facts we’ve shared on Facebook in the past.

The very first homes in our Coral Cove neighborhood were built back in 1954. It started on the south half . The canal on the north half wasn’t even there yet and the dense landscape looked like a jungle! Pandora Drive was the first street in the neighborhood to have a completed home

Driftwood Drive was the seacoast term originally considered for the street known today as Cove Terrace during the early years of our neighborhood’s development but was already in use within Sarasota. In fact several street names changed according to an article in the Sarasota Herald Tribune (8/20/1954)

In 1953 lots in Coral Cove started at $1,700 for interior, $3,000 for waterfront, and $7,000 for Bayfront.

Download a History of Coral Cove by one of the original residents